President of the National Center for Virtual Search flying a specialized drone.

research mission

In the expansive field of Search and Rescue Technology, as well as Lost Person Behavior, there currently lacks a comprehensive body of consolidated research. The National Center for Virtual Search has identified this gap and has initiated our second mission, aptly named "RESEARCH". This mission focuses on sourcing public and private grants and donations to support in-depth research in these fields. Our objective is to foster correct methodologies, field testing, and contribute to unifying the remarkable work of individuals dedicated to the science of search.

From leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to harnessing the potential of emerging technologies in various fields that can be applied to search operations, such as satellite imagery and detection technologies, we aim to capitalize on innovation and apply it creatively to search resources.

The National Center for Virtual Search is the manifestation of innovative process and unique search analysis applications that have enhanced the outcomes of over eight hundred search and rescue operations in the past decade. The Center's development illustrates how an idea, once field-tested and applied in real operations, can transform into a reality and revolutionize the field of search. We believe that this capability will benefit many more individuals brimming with innovative ideas.

Small dreams have the potential to grow into life-saving realities. The National Center for Virtual Search embodies this belief and strives relentlessly.