
Rick LaValla

Rick LaValla


I have over 50 years of experience in both emergency management and search and rescue (SAR). Emergency management is my career; SAR is my avocation (passion).

Emergency Management:

I have worked at federal, state, and local government levels, in the full range of emergency management programs and services: mitigation, protection, prevention, response, and recovery. I have leveraged this experience into practical emergency management services: planning, preparedness, training, and exercise programs, and have authored and co-authored dozens of emergency management texts and training manuals. I have managed emergency operations center (EOC) operations at state and local government levels. In my role as an emergency management consultant and trainer, I have provided emergency management and emergency response services to educational institutions, emergency response organizations, business and industry, and local, state, federal, and foreign government agencies. My competencies include writing mitigation plans, recovery plans, EOC plans, comprehensive emergency management plans, continuity of operations plans, terrorism plans, other hazard specific plans, standard operating procedures development, hazard and risk assessments, training and course development, exercise design and presentation, project management, strategic plans, and EOC management. I supported the development of the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 4-141-04) for Emergency Operations Center Planning and Design. My text Blueprint for Community Emergency Management provided a framework for the first edition of the NFPA 1600 standard on emergency management. Also leveraging from this text, I provided the structure and content for the FEMA capability assessment for readiness (CAR) that became the foundation for EMAP and the updated NFPA 1600 standard.

Search and Rescue:

52 years of SAR involvement, since 1971. I was fortunate to be involved with the birth of SAR management (early 1970’s). I bought innovative SAR thinkers and practitioners together in the 70’s to develop the early versions of SAR management texts and training programs. I completed the development of the WA state SAR program that became a best practice model. I am a past president of NASAR and served on the board of directors for a dozen years. I am the current chair of the “Syrotuck Symposium” (a forum for SAR innovations). I have continued involvement with WA state SAR program. With a team of practitioners, I have continued SAR management innovations and best practice. Current texts and job aids include: SAR Management, Basic SAR Skills, SAR Leadership, Disaster SAR, SAR Field Guides, SAR Task Books (based on Canada standards), SAR CAR (SAR capability assessment for readiness, under development)


  • 2000 - Present:  All Hands Consulting (AHC), Principal and Project Manager. As an AHC founder and principal, I manage various projects across the country and abroad. I have developed hundreds of plans and strategies, provided direct support to stakeholders, and, organized, developed and managed AHC service offerings that include: planning, training, exercises. I have been directly engaged with providing these services and supervising individuals and teams assigned. See: https://allhandsconsulting.com
  • 1985 – 2000: Founder, President, and Director of ERI International, a consultancy. Worked for state agencies, federal agencies, local governments, emergency response organizations, foreign countries, and corporations, providing emergency management services.
  • 1971 – 1984: Washington State Department of Emergency Services (Management): Search and Rescue Coordinator (1971 – 1977), Operations Manager (1977 – 1979), Deputy Director (1979 – 1981), Operations Director of Washington State's Planning and Response. Mt. St. Helens Disaster (1980), Director, Puget Sound Earthquake Preparedness/Planning Project (1982 – 1984)